I want have sanguo patch 1.03. please for me a version sanguo 1.03. I very need it because version 1.0 and 1.01 isfaulty medival 2 total war encountered anunspecified and will now exits. I hopy that version 1.03 will don't faultymedival 2 total war encountered anunspecified and will now exits. pleaase for me a link dowload baidu or xuankei.com. I will wait news good from china{:soso_e113:}it's not release. 这丫的不是中国人? 什么意思啊,好多生词啊,我很爱国啊,外语很差啊,看不明白啊 {:5_121:}{:5_121:}何必搞英语{:5_130:} 冬瓜真幽默.. 会中文干嘛不用英文{:5_112:}{:5_112:}{:5_112:} 会中文干嘛不用中文!!!{:5_112:} 外国论坛上的? 额,{:5_121:}{:5_121:}{:5_121:} 说什么鸟语 I want it be release soonin this month or months after{:soso_e113:} and I hopy that next version will not have errror medival 2 total war encountered anunspecified and will now exits{:soso_e113:} repeated again that me is a people vietnam not must china{:soso_e113:} {:5_147:}{:5_147:}{:5_147:}完全看不懂 大意是一个老外想玩1.03?{:5_147:} 越南人想玩1.03,不会中文只会英文,你们就别调侃了。。。话说,我怎么就变成真幽默了!? I want play patch 1.03 by english because english new can cheat be{:soso_e113:} Chinese language is can't cheat be{:soso_e113:}
The loading force is shameful! Dear
{:5_149:} strange girl{:soso_e113:} {:5_108:}果然是个老外—— guncu 我英文水平怎么样