我要下载 Mercator8.2.001 和 Mercator8.2.002 百度链接. 请给我一个下载链接百度. 115.com链接是一个硬链接下载 非常困难 或 你也可以给我一个下载链接百度 mod mercator 8.2{:soso_e115:} 我要完成它现在中国的同情{:soso_e115:} 中国兄弟我的邻居{:soso_e113:}{:5_108:}{:5_108:} please for me a link dowload of this mod. I verywant be play it{:5_141:} 看看。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 我要下载 Mercator8.2.001 和 Mercator8.2.002 百度链接. 请给我一个下载链接百度. 115.com链接是一个硬链接下载 非常困难 或 你也可以给我一个下载链接百度 mod mercator 8.2 我要完成它现在中国的同情 中国兄弟我的邻居{:5_141:}{:5_141:}{:5_141:} I want dowload it. please help me a this problem{:5_152:} 很好,很强大!
请给我一个地址下载百度{:5_152:}我需要它{:5_141:} 【44】墨卡托8.2(世界地图) ——1.06G
yes. I dowload by 115.com and it very good. however play onwindow 8 is can't. window 8 faulty has stoping working. when me on a mod Mercator8.2 is faulty unknow and have a black window should me moved it to my computer desk. this mod is can't use for window 8 and play on window xp is very good{:soso_e113:} thank you for me link dowload. this mod should end at this{:soso_e113:} admin can close this topic be then. I was no longer play this mod{:soso_e113:}