please help mebug error of generals. this is a image of generals: http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/8605/84584503.pngI very hope that home team china can help me repair error on. I will wait news good from china{:soso_e113:}not have who help me all ah{:soso_e109:} 本帖最后由 木飞易 于 2013-4-24 18:34 编辑
can you speak chinese?
sorry··· this bug can't repaired
so···you only one choice----L/S or···tragedy wait you··· WTF is yr english?? I just dun know wht a u talking abt what is L/S?{:soso_e113:} how can I use it?{:soso_e113:} you china can help me be not. I very need your the help{:soso_e113:} what is tragedy wait you? how can I use it?{:soso_e113:} I will selection The first way{:soso_e113:} sorry I can't speak Chinese language becasue I don't know Chinese language and my keyboard also don't have Chinese language should I can't speak and write Chinese language{:soso_e113:} you china can English language learningmore that is a tips for you{:soso_e113:} 好烂的英语,难道是机翻的 are you kidding me ???{:soso_e122:} sorry i only knowlittle Chinglish···{:5_106:}
how did you play this game without english? {:5_131:}
L/S=save/load your autosave
hey man i hope god bless you