乌有之乡 发表于 2012-7-30 14:11:57


本帖最后由 乌有之乡 于 2012-7-30 14:26 编辑





- 现在我们为第一版选择了超过180个单位,目前164个单位已经做完了(包括兵模和贴图)
- 超过50个其他模型也做完了,包括将军、军官、掌旗官、马、象、攻城器械。。。
- 以上代表了大约880张贴图,占用了2G的硬盘空间
- 250张渲染制作的小兵牌以及相同数量的大兵牌(兵牌是用3D软件渲染图做的,不是游戏截图
- 80个战略地图人物模型
- 26战略地图资源模型
- 大约50个新的战略地图建筑模型
- 100个战略地图声音文件和150个梵语战斗语音(为塔克西拉制作的)
- 1150个新的动画文件包括:马其顿方阵、重装步兵方阵、标枪兵的移动、持重标枪的动作、军团、军官、掌旗官的动作、标投石手从胸前和侧面取物的动作、持盾的动作、弓箭手从左右及后面箭袋取箭的动作。。。我们还优化了战车动作。。。




CUF(编译字体和文本的工具): tool to compile fonts and text descriptions. Supports folding multiple "font styles" into a single CUF file for better formatting in descriptions and provides a more robust alternative to M2TW for generating strings.bin files from text.
SD(做SD文件的工具): tool to compile SD files from UI code and TGA pages. Alternative to the M2TW engine which provides error checking (with actual error messages) and does not suffer from some crippling M2TW bugs. Supports a simplified XML format as well as the M2TW SD.XML format. Additionally it provides more robust handling of TGA files than alpaca's original tool for working with SD files.
XIDX (打包解压工具)(packer/unpacker for M2TW IDX/DAT archives) Alternative to the original XIDX which now runs on Linux and can deal with M2TW versions of the original RTW files formats with new support for the EVT variant (events.dat/events.idx).
PACK (packer/unpacker for M2TW PACK archives). Alternative to CA's unpacker which may additionally be used to manipulate PACK files (add, replace or delete files) and runs on Linux as well.
EVT (bin文件转换工具)(tool to deal with binaries in events.idx/events.dat, alternative to the M2TW engine for converting sound code)
Scripts to build tools or fetch them from our FTP server (used for setting up a dev copy of EB2)
Launcher script which can additionally "register" or "unregister" the mod with CA's Launcher program. (Enables dev copies in arbitrary locations.)
Mi我妈list touch utility for Windows written in C to alter file timestamps. Originally used to trick the game engine in accepting stale strings.bin files, no longer required.
Mi我妈list launcher written in C which provides a "normal user" version of the dev launcher script. To be used as a fallback option when 8.3 pathnames are not supported.
Restructure Aradan's EDUMatic to abstract VBA calls and port to LibreOffice.
NSIS Installer scripts for EB2 installer
Script to partition the mod in "packs" and generate installer code for them
Script to check a我妈tion files names (comparing versioned a我妈tion file names with unversioned Vanilla placeholders to make sure they do not overlap).
Script to automate building the installer from the mod's "source" and pack results in an ISO file (can be burned to CD/DVD)
Scripts to build CUF files from TTF sources.
Scripts to build SD files from XML sources.
Scripts and XSLT stylesheets to convert XML files into strings.bin files (ongoing port from plain text to XML). Allows us to do more things with fonts (CUF files), removes need for maintaining additional "lookup" table code and enables better error checking.
Script to check name labels (descriptions) against name declarations (code)
Script to validate unit descriptions (strings.bin file) against EDU, checks for missing descriptions.
Script and XSLT stylesheet to convert certain description XMLs into RTF so they can be proofed using a Word processor.
Utilities to analyse EVT binaries and speed up reverse engineering them.
Scripts to compile XML sources into EVT binaries and decompile EVT binaries to XML source.




Erínamesh ana-Arabim (东方海岸征召民兵)

Machimoi Phalangitai (埃及土著方阵)

Machimoi (埃及土著步兵)


506041569 发表于 2012-7-30 14:26:36


青山复雪 发表于 2012-7-30 15:10:30

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