when edition fourth minh dynasty 1644 is released?
havefourth edition Large Ming 1644 not?{:soso_e113:} I look forward to the 4th version of minh dynasty 1644 is released{:soso_e113:} 我勒个去。。。没事绣英语啊?过了几级了? {:5_124:}我路过把 坐等翻译{:5_112:} 打字不行 一会minh,一会ming楼猪的水平就...... 表示一丁点都没看懂!把字母拆了我能认识个七七八八!在一起的话。。。。
表示低调的路过! it's not large ming, it's great ming{:soso_e129:}
Obviously the first floor machine translation
So you can speak competition?{:5_113:}