乌有之乡 发表于 2011-12-28 11:41:51

俄罗斯新mod:Wars of Renaissance公测版下载(更新115网盘地址,欲

Wars of Renaissance


The time of the mod is 1500 a.d., the epoch of Renaissance and the new era of the military science. Why this very date?

The fire arms, which first shots thundered at the battlefields of Europe in the 14th century, acquires the importance to affect the results of campaigns in the beginning of the 16th century. Italian wars and some other conflicts, that started the 16th century, showed it. Hence starts the final breech in the medieval military system, the domination of the chivalry cavalry comes to an end and the long transition to the army of the new time begins. The time for musketeers and pikiners, reiters and cuirassiers has come. Bows and arrows are still used, especially by the ‘estern’ peoples and the muscovites, but a musket has already showed its power and meaning.

The methods of leading wars change…

1. Kingdom of France 法兰西王国
2. Duchy of Prussia 普鲁士公国
3. Polish Crown 波兰王国
4. Swedish Kingdom 瑞典王国
5. Scottish Kingdom 苏格兰王国
6. Republic of Venice 威尼斯共和国
7. Ottoman Empire 奥斯曼帝国
8. Kingdom of Hungary 匈牙利王国
9. Moscow State 莫斯科公国
10. Kingdom of England 英格兰王国
11. Danish-Norway Union 卡尔马联盟
12. Spanish Kingdom 西班牙王国
13. Kingdom of Portugal 葡萄牙王国
14. Khanate of Kazan 喀山汗国
15. Crimean Khanate 克里米亚汗国
16. the Papal State 教皇国
17. Sultanate of Marocco 摩洛哥苏丹国
18. Archduchy of Austria 奥地利公国
19. Safavids Empire 萨菲王朝
20. Electorate of Saxony 萨克森
21. Swiss Confederation 瑞士联邦
22. Grand Duchy of Lithuania 立陶宛大公国
23. the Livonian Order 立窝尼亚骑士团
24. Zaporizhian Sich 扎波罗什人???(其实指的是哥萨克人)

The last map variant.


some screens of battles:

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Moscow State / Московское царство:
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Телохранители московского царя – Bodyguards of Moscow Tsar

Боярская дружина – Boyar Druzhina

Боевые холопы - Armed Villeins

Поместная конница – Mounted Landed Gentries

Слуги – Armed Servants

Опричники - Oprichniks

Стрельцы - Streltsy

Стрельцы нового строя – Streltsy of New Formation

Городовые казаки – Town Cossacks

Пищальники - Pischaliers

Ратники - Ratniks

Пикейщики нового строя – Pikemen of New Formation

Стрелецкие копейщики – Spear Streltsy

Polish Crown / Корона Польская

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Крылатая гусария – Winged hussaria

Ранняя гусария – Early hussaria

Гусары пахолики - Hussars paholiks

Гусары в апгрейде - Armour hussars

Польские лансеры – Рolish lancers

Панцерные козаки – Рanzer cossacks

Валашская конница – Wallachian cavalry

Посполито рушане - Pospolite ruszenie

Гайдуки - Haiduks

Мушкетеры - Musketmen

Пикинеры - Pikemen

Надворные казаки – Court cossacks

Литовские мушкетеры – Lithuanian musketmen

Duchy of Prussia / Прусский союз

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Кирасиры – Cuirassiers

Немецкие рейтары – German Reiters

Конные аркебузиры - Horse arquebusers

Ландскнехты с пиками - Landsknechts with peaks

Ландскнехты с двуручными мечами - Landsknechts with two-handled swords

Ландскнехты с аркебузами - Landsknechts with arquebus

Доппельзольднер с алебардами - Doppelsoldner with halberds

Карабинеры - Carabinieres

Мушкетеры немецкого строя - Musketeers of a German Formation

Пикинеры немецкого строя - Pikemen of a German Formation

Стрелковая милиция - Shooting militia

Call of Warhammer
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XVIIth Century Mod: Dominium Maris Baltici
For King or Country
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制作组论坛: http://empiretw.ru/board/index.php?showtopic=10369&st=80#entry225086



波兰、哥萨克、鞑靼兵种补丁: http://narod.ru/disk/6849921001/units.7z.html



华佗 发表于 2011-12-29 11:49:14


乌有之乡 发表于 2012-2-17 20:03:21

本帖最后由 乌有之乡 于 2012-2-17 20:07 编辑


刘甜宁 发表于 2012-3-8 13:15:32


cc9966 发表于 2012-3-10 10:34:04


cc9966 发表于 2012-3-12 10:12:29


mahailong008 发表于 2012-3-12 10:36:04

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