Well today I went to the community event at Sega America in San Francisco. We were greeted by Kieran Bridgen from CA and Julian Mehlfeld from Sega. They ran us through 2 of the 7 tutorials, namely the basic land battle and the naval battle tutorials. I wish we would have had more time to look at the siege tutorial but alas no. I hope some of the other TWCers who attended had a chance to look at it. These were basic tutorials and their scope wasn’t large enough to highlight any clear AI attributes since there were only 2-3 enemy units at a time. That said I had a blast and this made my desire to pre-order the game even greater after seeing some of the things they are implementing. If they spent as much time on the AI as everything else this should be the best TW game yet. I hope I didn’t miss anything of what I saw so here it goes…
作者一行参观了旧金山的世嘉公司。CA的Kieran B和世嘉的Julian M接待了作者。官方演示了两段(共七段)教学关——陆战和海战。我想我们会看到攻城战但是很可惜没有。只有寄希望于其他玩家了。这只是基本的教学说明,每次也就2-3个敌方单位所以很难突出AI的特点。在看到他们演示的内容后使我产生了更强烈的预购这款游戏的冲动。如果他们多花点时间在AI设计上,这也许就是全战系列中最好的一款游戏了。我希望没有遗漏我所见到的,那就让我们开始吧…
Basic Land Battle Tutorial
You start off with a single spear ashigaru unit. The advisor runs you through the usual point and click commands and then has you form a spear square to defend against a cavalry attack. The spears have two special abilities, square and shield wall. Forming the square allows you to handily beat the enemy cavalry unit and they route off the board. From there you gain command of a bow ashigaru unit and must beat back a single attacking samurai block. The bowmen have two special abilities as well, flaming arrows (deals more damage) and whistle arrows (big moral hit) which are on cool down timers. You have to get use to using them at the right moment for greatest effect. As the samurai unit rushes forward they are greeted with some flaming arrow love and eventually are so demoralized that the spear unit breaks them almost instantly. From there you gain command of a cavalry unit and are faced with two attacking bow ashigaru enemies. Send in the cavalry and you can easily break them. The cavalry do have special formation but I didn’t bother using one.
你开始控制一队长枪足轻。顾问会指导你一步步进行,点击指令,组成方阵抵御一队骑兵的突击。长矛队有两个特殊技能(模式):方阵和盾墙。方阵模式有助于巧妙化解敌方骑兵突击,胜利后结束控制。接着系统再给你一队步弓手用来击退一队武士。弓箭手也有两个特殊技能,火箭(附加伤害)和 响箭(士气打击),这些技能都有冷却时间。你必须在选择恰当的时机使用这些技能以求最大效果。敌方武士在劈头盖脸的火箭下士气很快瓦解,剩下的让长枪足轻顷刻扫灭。接着你会获得一队骑兵并对付2队敌弓手。随便让他们上去砍砍就KO了。骑兵有一项特殊阵型,但我懒得没用。
Overall my impression is that the commands have remained relatively unchanged, besides the addition of a simpler shift click waypoint command that should help to manage units planning to take advantage of a flanking attack. The layout of the UI and the commands will be very familiar to TW veterans. While we were playing at 70% graphic quality I can safely say that the battlefields and unit details were simply awesome, even at that level, and should be breathtaking on ultra settings. The individual soldier graphics looked spot on. You can see the full bow animation as the bow ashigaru unleashed volleys of death as well as seeing individual soldiers go through elaborate death animations. Also they have found a way to get the physics engine to incorporate persistent arrows. After a few volleys there are arrows sticking out of everything!
总的来说,给我的印象是没有大变化,除了加上一个按shift 编辑行军路线的指令(广告时间:参考玻璃渣的即时战略游戏)可以预先安排行军计划来完成侧翼攻击。UI布局和指令操作非常亲和全战老手。当我们打开70%的物理特效时,我敢保证画面令人叹为观止,开到最大那更牛B。单兵特效准确无误。你可以看到弓箭从弦上发射出去直到杀死对方这一系列完整的动画。他们利用物理引擎,让残留箭矢显得更加真实(有效)。在几轮弓箭齐射之后,所有东西上都扎满了箭。
Naval Battle Tutorial
The tutorial starts with a single boat that you must navigate with the usual point and click commands. We are given the task to navigate around a burning enemy ship that has run afoul of some floating explosive mines…that’s right I said mines! From what Kieran said we will be able to use these mines in our battle to defend against enemy ships. That means you’ll have to pay attention to where your ships are at all times. Your next task is to navigate to a friendly ship that has been disabled out at sea. Land plays a big part in sea battles and you’ll have to navigate around these islands or run the risk of running aground. I imagine these variables will demand a bit more strategic thinking then was involved in Empire sea battles. Once arriving at your sister ship you are given command of it and must initiate repairs. This as I imagine was the case with Nap will mean that the boat will be dead in the water till repairs are completed. At this point you are given command of a 3rd larger ship and are attacked by an enemy fleet. Send in the big guy to board one of their ships and you can use the other two to pickoff his smaller vessels with volleys of bow fire. I did notice that the boarding animation seemed a bit odd but Kieran explained the difficulties with getting it to work correctly (work in progress). There is the option of using fire arrows to set the enemy ships alight but I only noticed it on the smaller craft we were given. Overall I was impressed to see that the naval combat will play out a bit differently and I feel boardings and chock points will play a larger part in our strategies.
演示开始时给一条小早来完成接下来的操作。我们首先被要求航行到一条碰上水雷的已燃烧的敌船附近…没错我说的是水雷(肯定不是鱼类)!Kieran (就是前面说的CA派来接客的那位)说我们可以用水雷封锁敌船。这也意味着你必须时刻注意自己的船(自己拉的屎自己最好别踩)。你接下来要行驶到一条在海上失去动力的友方船旁。陆地在海战中占了很大一块地儿,你必须绕着那些岛跑而且会有搁浅的风险。我想这些变化的影响更多的会体现在帝国战役上的。当到达姊妹船旁是接到下一步指示:修理!我想在拿战中一般这样的船也就完蛋了,不过此一时彼一时,直到把这条船完全修复。到此时,你会得到第三条更大的船,一条被敌舰队围殴的大船。把这大家伙搭上敌方一条船进行接舷战,用另外两条发射火箭牵制敌方其他小型船。我注意到接舷战的动画有些古怪但Kieran解释说修复这个问题比较困难(半成品)。有一个选项可用火箭使敌船起火,但是只有我们的小船有这功能。总的来说,海战向我们展示了新的东西,我觉得接舷战和chock points(才疏学浅,诚信求教意思)在我们的战略中将扮演更重要的角色。
When you sign in you are given a screen with all your avatar/army options. From here you can choose a name and change the icon and colors of your uniform. These will carryover to the appearance of your army in battle. There are 3 layers of color to choose and each uses the usual multispectral color wheel used in many other games. (ie. Similar to Dawn of War army creation) You can also equip your general with special armor if you have any and it looked like you could mix and match various armor pieces such as helmet, greaves, breastplate etc. Once these selections are sorted you can choose retainers for your general. These give bonuses such as +2 to bow accuracy, +1 to melee defense for spearmen as a few examples. There looked to be a good sized list of retainers but you can only have a max of 5, with no repeats, once you have level up some. Next is the option to customize your forces. We only had the basic units to choose from but as you progress you will unlock other unit types, once you capture their corresponding region on the multiplayer map. Six of us played in a 3x3 match. Our armies were arrayed side by side in a line with the enemy arranged equally on the otherside of the map. Staggered along the middle line were small buildings or shrines that were capture points. Gaining them gives your army some bonuses such as additions to melee or shooting abilities etc. I believe there were 5 in total that you could capture and they were fairly distributed so everyone got a chance to cap a few. The first battle played out well for my side with the loss of only two units in my army. I sent in two units of light cavalry against a single swordman block and they were ground into the dirt with my horses flying from the field. I did get the feeling that the basic units were very rock, paper, scissors since in that same battle my remaining one unit of light cavalry ran down 4-5 units of bowmen rather handily. It seems everything has its counter and the more elite units are there to add some spice to your plans. After the battle one of my spear ashiogaru were promoted to veteran status. Kieran stated that as you level up you are allowed more veteran unit slots to use. As these units get depleted or routed they will be unavailable until you play some battles without them so they will have time to “heal”. This opens up a clear route for advancement without creating unstoppable armies of veterans. The second game didn”t go my way so I’ll forgo the telling of it, but overall it was great fun and I wish I had more time to play.
-Honor will be used to influence AI reactions to you. When you are attacked by an enemy army and you run down all the attackers you will get a boost in honor or if you lead from the front and lead a victorious charge you will gain honor. I’m very excited by this since all your actions in battle will directly effect the AIs reactions toward you for good or ill. Conversely sometimes mercy will be rewarded, when attacking now we can forgo the tedious battlefield cleanup from previous titles since there will be tangible incentives not too.
-Diplomacy will be much more dynamic and I am very excited by that prospect. With things like diplomatic hostages and such it should open up some difficult choices and some neat strategies.
-Sea battles will lead directly into land battles when invading. When you attack by sea you will have to fight your way through the enemy fleet and destroy them, at which point you will be able to land on the beaches and take direct command of your land forces to continue the fight. I think it is a good compromise to full out sea and land battles happening al at once.
-Campaign map elements will be directly represented on battle map
-Confirmed that SG2TW will be fully optimized for multi-core systems such as the i5 and i7 series.
幕府2确定将对i5 &i7等多核系统进行优化。
-All four seasons will be fully represented on campagin and battle map
-No direct Mod tools for the campaign (due to opening up proprietary files) will be released, although Kieran did say that a unit editor will be out soon for Napoleon so I can see that as possibly being implemented for Shogun in the future.
-In regards to expansions, we know the geopolitical situation isn’t necessarily favorable at the moment so I imagine Korea and China will be hard to implement if at all.
-The horo (ballonthingy on the back of cav) will only be on the general unit
There are others from TWC that went so look for their reactions soon I'm sure.
Q: Is the battle map directly related to the campaign map, such as in previous total war installments, Rome etc.
A: Still yes and yes
Q: Diplomatic Hostages???
A: Your child looks awesome, give him/her to me and we can call it peace and i won't beat the crap out of you in the process.
问: 外交人质是什么?
Q: Is the City Population a factor in recruitment?
A: Yes
Q: Will region resources affect what units you can recruit in an area?
A: Yes, such as producing good horses, allowing you to build special buildings in specific regions with special resources, and these resources in turn can be traded with other factions
Q: How do LOD4 Sprites look like?
A: Shader model 5, Animated Sprites, basically, it'll look better and you can see it farther
Q: Any FOW in the battle map?
No, but as with previous installments, hiding units, or even using the terrain to hide your units, such as behind hills will hide units
Q: What does food supplies do?
A: Basically, food is important, especially regions and provinces that produce, SO PROTECT THEM! If you fail to supply a castle, the troops garrisoned can rebel due to lack of food
Will generals/Agents/ have a more comprehensive dynamic trait system like RTW?
A: Yes, (Full RPG trait) Unlock skills from getting XP in battles, skills tree, general can choose to be specialized in land, sea, or governmental branch
Q: 4 Seasons, but 1 season of money as in SHOGUN1?
A: Nope. All seasons produce money
呃,刚看开头时还以为是lz翻译的{:5_151:}~~~不过还是感谢分享~~~ 本帖最后由 sendzimir 于 2011-1-23 09:10 编辑
总的来说,给我的印象是没有大变化,除了加上一个按shift 编辑行军路线的指令(广告时间:参考玻璃渣的即时战略游戏)可以预先安排行军计划来完成侧翼攻击。
回复 sendzimir 的帖子
呃。。我没见过。。一会儿去试下。。 回复 sendzimir 的帖子
实验完毕,用的拿战,结果如你所说,确实已经有了~ Q: How do LOD4 Sprites look like?
A: Shader model 5, Animated Sprites, basically, it'll look better and you can see it farther
a:运用Shader model 5.0,栩栩如生的远景模型,基本上,就算你从更远处看都会觉得它是活的
LOD:Levels of Detail,意为多细节层次,LOD技术指根据物体模型的节点在显示环境中所处的位置和重要度,决定物体渲染的资源分配,降低非重要物体的面数和细节度,从而获得高效率的渲染运算。这里应该是第4代或是4个lod层次。在旧版本的全战当中sprites只是2d贴图,所以sprites过去我们也叫远景贴图,说白的作用就是根据观察位置改变模型的精细度,而现在的远景模型表现已经到了3d技术的范畴。
Shader Model(在3D图形领域常被简称SM)就是“优化渲染引擎模式”。事实上,Shader(渲染或称着色)是一段能够针对 3D对象进行操作、并被GPU所执行的程序。通过这些程序,程序员就能够获得绝大部分想要的3D图形效果。在一个3D场景中,一般包含多个Shader。这些Shader中有的负责对3D对象表面进行处理,有的负责对3D对象的纹理进行处理,Shader Model 5.0(DirectX11)。 根据经验,我们知道由于政治关系,目前很难将朝鲜和天朝加进来。
我希望还是加进来好,这样中国玩家才会去玩嘛,反正美国人又不是没做过什么入侵中国的游戏:) 回复 凌思琪 的帖子