2013年12月21日 国外三国版 消息
The Blade That Was Broken :Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! And As Always! A New Preview for YOU!
Happy Holidays Folks! And as usual, we have a new preview for YOU! images/smilies/emoticons/grin.gif
Tired of all those clones and awkward shields? Have no fear? The Historically Accurate Units are here! As a special New Year gift, we will be releasing Patch v0.2 near the start of January, featuring new scripts, and most importantly: new units!
Prepare to be amazed!
And as a bonus, we have included a preview of the new crossbow model:
Merry Christmas! images/smilies/emoticons/happy0005.gif
以上为原话, 请 @mahailong008帮助翻译下~
http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?635066-Ho!-Ho!-Ho!-Merry-Christmas!-And-As-Always!-A-New-Preview-for-YOU! 我可能不会爱你 {:soso_e176:}{:soso_e176:}{:soso_e176:} 路过灌水~~~~ 路过看看 来看看 http://lishui.1mod.org/attachments/forum/201309/21/140840craomzeqnpvmitvm.gif
支持一个 guanshuiguaishui : 未命名和华佗上山采草药,卖后赚了 5 枚 金币. 三国,一个璀璨的时代! 的叶片被打破了
HO !HO !HO !圣诞快乐!一如既往!给你一个新的预览!
准备感到惊讶! wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Merry Christmas! 看看。。。。。。。。。。。。
luguo路过!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 就是过路的…… 路过看看