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发表于 2012-3-20 21:33:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
mount_effect     mount_effect(s)

Unit's bonuses against mounted units (if any). There can be bonuses against horses, elephants, chariots and camels.The bonus may be against an entire class of mounts (eg elephants) in which case it's applied versus all of the types of the class or against only a specific type (eg 4amount mumak), but type-bonus stacks with class-bonus. They are applied directly and stack with any other bonuses, like ones derived from spear attributes. Note that these are modifiers to the unit's attack and that they will be applied to a secondary weapon too if one exists, but they do not affect missile weapons at all. Max number of valid mount effects is 3, extra will be ignored.

attributes       unit_attribute(s)
The unit's attributes. The complete list is:
•        sea_faring: unit can board ships
•        :单位可以登船。
•        hide_forest, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, hide_anywhere: defines where the unit can hide. If absent, it means that the unit won't be able to hide at all. "hide_anywhere" includes all the others and "hide_improved_forest" of course includes "hide_forest".
•        :单位可以隐藏。如缺少,代表单位不可以埋伏。"hide_anywhere"包括任何其他的并"hide_improved_forest"100%可以"hide_forest"
•        can_sap: unit can dig tunnels under walls during assaults using sap points
•        单位可以挖地道当使用SAP点来攻击。
•        frighten_foot, frighten_mounted: unit causes fear to certain nearby units of the specified type. Both combined means the unit frightens all enemy (generals included).
•        :单位可以对附近的某些单位恐惧。两个都有的话代表单位会对任何部队恐惧:包括将军卫队。
•        can_run_amok: unit may go out of control when riders lose control of animals (usually when the unit's casualty ratio is high and the morale low or when being attacked with fire)
•        单位将失去控制当单位无法控制动物(指大象,马等)(一般上是当单位死亡人数比例很高和低士气或被火攻击。
•        general_unit: unit can be used for a named character's bodyguard (note that this now also sets the bodyguard for recruitable generals of which there can be multiple instances of this attribute in the same faction though the first instance will always be the family-member bodyguard). Note also that the AI will never recruit units with the general_unit attribute.
•        :单位可为指定角色的护卫(注意:?)AI永远不会招募单位当于general_unit的属性。
•        general_unit_upgrade: unit can be used as upgraded bodyguard for named characters, after the Marius' reforms are triggered. A unit with this attribute must be listed in the file after the regular bodyguard unit.
•        :单位可用于升级的指定将领护卫,当Marius的改革被触发。一个有着这个属性的单位将会被列在普通护卫的文件夹后。
•        cantabrian_circle: unit has this special ability. It has no coded effects, but they stem naturally from the game's combat engine. The formation reduces accuracy of the unit, but makes it harder to get shot at and also the constant barrage of arrows slighlty reduces target's morale.
•        :单位有着这个特殊能力。这个没有任何 编码的影响,但它是自动从游戏引擎中形成、这个的形成将减少单位的准确度。但是却使单位更难被射到并连续射箭会降低敌方士气。
•        no_custom: unit is not available in custom battles
•        单位在自定义游戏模式中不可用。
•        command: unit carries a legionary eagle, and gives morale bonus to nearby units (not the unit itself)
•        单位带有军团鹰,并提高附近单位的士气。
•        mercenary_unit: unit is a mercenary unit available for hire to all factions in certain regions. It also prevents a unit from replenishing losses after battle, forces it to use the 'merc' texture and sprite lines in DMB for all its faction owners and the text-tag 'Varies' instead of the unit recruitment cost on the unit info card. In Alexander mercenaries can be faction-specific (availability set in descr_mercenaries.txt).
•        单位是在指定地区中的雇佣军单位(所有势力可雇用)。这也防止了一个单位在战斗后回复损失,强制它去用'merc'纹理和DMB的子画面系(对所有势力)&文本标记会不同,而不是在单位信息卡上的雇用单位的价钱。在Alexander雇佣军可以是(指定势力指定价格)(可在descr_mercenaries.txt中设置)
•        hardy, very_hardy: level of a unit's hardiness. Hardiness reduces the speed at which stamina is depleted and also increases its regeneration rate.
•        :单位的持久度。持久度减少单位的体力消耗并提高单位的体力再生。
•        warcry: no longer hardcoded to barbarians in 1.5/1.6. Gives the unit an attack bonus of 10. The ability takes 10 secs (unit can't move or execute other action) to be activated and remains active for 30 more seconds. If the unit enters melee at some point during that time, the bonus will be applied only for the remaining of those 30 seconds. (eg if the unit warcrys, then runs for 7 secs and then engages in melee, the bonus will be applied for 23 secs only). Also gives a momentary boost to morale, evident in the case of berserkers.
•        在1.5、1.6版本里已经不再被硬式编码。给出部队的额外攻击加成=10.这个能力需要10秒激活时间(单位不可进行其他动作)并会持续30秒。如果单位在那段时间里进行攻击,加成只会持续剩余的30秒(假如单位行走7秒后才加入战斗,加成只会持续30-7=23秒)
•        druid: replaces 'chant' of RTW gives nearby units (not the unit itself) morale bonus.
•        取代RTW的“chant”,提供附近单位士气加成(单位本身不算)
•        power_charge: increases the time during which a unit is 'charging' (as opposed to being 'in melee'), therefore extending the period during which the unit receives its charge-bonus.
•        :增加单位需要准备攻击的时间(近身攻击),因此延长单位获得战斗加成的时间。
•        can_swim (BI only): unit can swim rivers in battle mode (or walk in the case of some units).
•        单位可以游泳(在战斗中)(或行走:对一些单位)
•        is_peasant (BI only): halves the effect the unit has in maintaining public order. 120 men will be counted as 60 etc.
•        维护治安的效率减半。120=0.5*120=60
•        can_horde (BI only): unit can be part of a horde when one is created.
•        当一个部落建起时,单位可以是部落的一部分。
•        legionary_name (BI only): assign a legionary name (based on region) and number to the recruited unit. The legionary element of the name is hardcoded.
•        分配一个军团的名字(根据信仰)并招募单位和数量。军团的名称将会被硬编码。
formation        hor-cl-spacing, ver-cl-spacing, hor-ls-spacing, ver-ls-spacing, ranks, formation(s)
The details of the unit's default formation.
•        [horizontal close spacing] : Side-to-side distance between soldiers in close formation in metres
•        在近距离编队时单位之间的空隙(米)
•        [vertical close spacing] : Front to back distance between soldiers in close formation in metres
•        在近距离编队时单位前后的空隙(米)
•        [horizontal loose spacing] : Side-to-side distance between soldiers in loose formation in metres
•        在宽松的阵型时单位之间的空隙(米)
•        [vertical loose spacing] : Front-to-back distance between soldiers in loose formation in metres
•        在宽松的阵型时单位前后的空隙(米)
•        [ranks] : Default number of the unit's ranks (depth of its formation)
•        单位的默认行列(阵型的深度)
•        [formation(s)] : Available formations of the unit. Can be one or two of the following: square (normal), wedge (attack bonus), phalanx (unbeatable from the front, very weak from sides and rear), testudo (weak in melee, good against missiles), horde (good vs missiles, bad in melee), schiltrom (BI only - immobile, but excellent vs mounts) and shield_wall (BI only - melee bonus from the front, weak from rear and sides). Note that certain formations are used only for certain unit types (eg wedge only for cavalry).
•        单位可用的阵型。可以是下面的1个或2个:方阵、楔形阵、方阵(前强旁弱)、龟甲型大盾、群(就是很多人啦)、(?)、和防护盾大阵(前强旁弱)。指定的部队只有指定的阵型。
stat_health      hp, hp_extra
Details of the unit's hitpoints.
•        [hp] : Hit points of the regular soldiers of the unit. Max value is 15, as everything higher will still be considered 15.
•        普通士兵的生命值。最大=15. 超过15的一律被视为15.
•        [hp_extra] : Hit points of animals of the unit. Note that ridden horses are not assigned separate hitpoints. Max value is 15, as everything higher will still be considered 15.Note that this value, even though being ignored during battle-map mode for non-animal units, it is actually taken into account for auto-resolve for all units. See below at Related Information.
•        动物的HP值。战马的HP也算在士兵内。最大值=15. 超过15的一律被视为15.尽管被在大地图战斗中的机械部队忽略。它实际上对所有部队采用自动解决。看下面的相关信息。
stat_pri         atk, chrg, msl_type, msl_rng, msl_ammo, wpn_type, wpn_tech, dmg_type, snd_type, min_delay, lethality
The unit's offensive stats.
•        [attack] : Attack rating of the unit's primary weapon (if unit has missiles, those are its primary weapons). Note that 'Easy' difficulty level gives the AI a -4 attack; 'Medium' offers no advantages/penalties; 'Hard' grants the AI a +4 attack bonus and 'Very Hard' grants the AI a +7 attack bonus. Max value for attack is 63. Anything higher will still be considered 63.
•        单位主要武器的攻击等级(导弹也算在内)。注意:简单难度中AI的生命值-4.普通难度=-0.难 难度=+4  超难难度=+7.攻击最大值=63.超过63的一律被视为63.
•        [charge] : Charge bonus of the primary weapon, added to the unit's attack when charging. As charge is slowed down and unit gets into 'proper' melee, the bonus stops being applied. Min value is 1 and max charge bonus value is 63, as everything higher will be considered 63. Missile units should have this equal to their desired secondary weapon charge bonus, as to not confuse players, since the charge bonus used by the engine will be the one of the melee weapon, while the one displayed on the unit card will be the missile weapon's.
•        初级武器的蓄力加成。当蓄力时加成到攻击力。当蓄力减少时,加成将不再持续。最低=1 最高=63. 超过63的一律被视为63。导弹部队的加成将加成到副武器。为了不迷惑玩家,因为引擎所使用的蓄力加成将是近战武器之一,而单位信息卡上的将会是导弹。
•        [missile_type] : Missile type used by the unit. Can be one of the projectiles defined in the descr_projectile_new.txt.
•        部队所使用的导弹的类型。可以是在descr_projectile_new.txt文件中的一个抛射体(导弹)。
•        [missile_range] : Max range of the unit's missile weapon. The max limit is determined by the specific missile type's velocity and min_angle, max_angle. Anything higher than this max value will be reduced to it. (see descr_projectile_new.txt) Min value is 20 (javelins).
•        导弹的最大攻击范围。上限是取决于导弹的类型、速度、最大抛射角和最小抛射角。高于这个值的将会被减少到这个值。(看descr_projectile_new.txt文件) 最小值=20(投枪)
•        [missile_ammo] : Ammunition per unit's soldier. Minimum value is 2 (0 is of course acceptable as well).
•        每个部队士兵的军火量。最小值=2(0也可以)
•        [weapon_type] : Unit's weapon type. Can be: melee, thrown, missile or siege_missile.
•        单位的武器类型。可为近身武器、投出武器、导弹或围困武器(?)
•        [weapon_tech] : Unit weapon's tech type. Can be: simple, other, blade, archery or siege.
•        单位武器的科技类型。可为简单、其他、白刃、箭术或围困(?)
•        [damage_type] : probably unused
•        大概不会用到。
•        [sound_type] : Sound type when the unit's weapon hits. Can be one of: none, knife, mace, club, axe, sword, or spear (ref: descr_sounds_weapons.txt).
•        当部队的武器击中后的声音类型。可为:无、刀、棍、枪、棒、剑等。参考descr_sounds_weapons.txt文件。
•        [min_delay] : Minimum delay between weapon attacks, measured in 1/10 of seconds. It is the minimum time allowed between the beginning of an attacking animation and the beginning of the next one. It only applies to foot melee skeletons.
•        在武器攻击时最少的延迟时间。以毫秒计算。它是从战斗动画到下一个战斗动画的最少时间。只对foot melee skeleton 有效。
•        [lethality] : Percentile chance of a soldier to kill an enemy (assuming his strike has found its target). The higher the lethality, the more the kills and the less the knock-downs/knock-backs during a battle. Greatly affects the speed at which melee battles are resolved, since higher lethality means less missed hits and greater casualties in short time. It is not used in ranged combat.
•        单位击杀另一个单位的几率。几率越高,杀敌数越高并推倒/推后的可能率越小。很大的影响近身攻击的战斗时间。因为较高的杀伤率意味着较少的失误和更大的伤亡,它不被远程攻击所使用。
stat_pri_attr    wpn_attributes
Attributes of the unit's primary weapon. The complete list is:
•        ap: armour piercing. Attacks take into account only half of the defender's armour value (not defence or shield). Results are rounded up.
•        盔甲穿透力。攻击将被减半。结果将会舍入。
•        bp: body piercing. Missile can pass through men and hit those behind.
•        身体穿透。导弹可穿透士兵并击中后面的部队。
•        prec: Missile weapon is only thrown just before charging into combat, though a unit may expend all its ammo if on 'fire at will' mode and the human player has not targeted an enemy unit.
•        (?)
•        thrown: Missiles have a big bonus against elephant and chariot units, as they get stronger with every HP of the target. Also, the delay between volleys is reduced by 20%. Only missile units should use this and only for their missile weapons!
•        导弹有着很大的加成当对敌大象和战车部队。不仅如此,截击之间的延迟也缩短20%。只有导弹部队可以使用他们的导弹!
•        launching: attack may throw target men into the air.
•        攻击会把部队打上天(翻译的不怎么样)。
•        area: attack affects an area (and everyone within it), not just one man.
•        攻击影响到一片区域(和区域里的部队),不只是一个。
•        long_pike: Use very long pikes. Phalanx capable units only. Removed in BI.
•        使用长矛。只有会方阵的部队可以使用。在BI里移除。
•        short_pike: Use shorter than normal spears. Can be used with phalanx ability or without it. The unit is still considered as infantry (and not spearmen). Grants a bonus of 8 versus mounted units, but due to the qualities of the formation (spacing, cohesion, etc) it seems that it roughly gets an extra -1 versus everyone. It also seems that short_pike overrides light_spear and spear, so that when the two are combined spear/light_spear is ignored, though due to it's own qualities it does slightly affect combat, depending on the units involved. Additionally, short_pike is required for units using the 'schiltrom' formation, because when in schiltrom and without short_pike, the soldiers will very rarely attack enemies.
•        使用短矛。会不会方阵都可使用。仍然是步兵部队(非枪兵)。对挂在部队有着8 的加成。但因为阵型的品质,对敌其他部队会有着 -1 的加成。另外,短矛看起来会压制轻枪和枪,。。。(?)它会轻微的影响战斗力(依据单位等级)。额外的,短矛需要部队拥有着schiltrom的阵型。(因为在schiltrom阵型外将很小几率攻击到敌人)。
•        spear_bonus_x (BI only): 'x' may be any even number between 4 and 12 inclusive. Must be accompanied by spear or light_spear attributes, otherwise it has no effect. It offers a bonus to attack vs mounts which stacks with the default bonuses of these two attributes.
•        枪的加成x(只有BI):x可以是任何在4和12中的复数。必须拥有着枪或轻枪的属性,否则将无效。和挂载部队有着叠加加成。
•        light_spear: Gives default bonus of +8 to defence vs cavalry, and penalty of -4 to defence vs. infantry. Offers less pushing power than spear.
•        :对骑兵防御加成=+8.对步兵-4.比枪的推动力弱。
•        spear: Gives default bonus of +8 to attack vs cavalry, and penalty of -4 to attack vs. infantry. Offers more pushing power than light_spear. Units with "spear" attribute tend to lose cohesion and break lines (due to the extreme pushing power) with undesired results, so use is advised only with cohesive formations/attributes like short_pike, shield_wall, phalanx etc.
•        :对骑兵防御加成=+8.对步兵-4.比轻枪的推动力强。枪属性的部队会失去凝聚力并破线(就是阵型打乱)在不理想的结果下,因此建议使用凝聚力属性的部队(比如:hort_pike, shield_wall, phalanx)等。
stat_sec         same as stat_pri
stat_sec_attr    same as stat_pri_attr
Same for the unit's secondary weapon as the primary (c.f.). Certain units like elephants, handlers, chariots and siege-machines use this line for the stats of the animals/engines. Let it be noted that the upgrades of the secondary weapon are bugged, in that only the primary weapon tech is taken into account when upgraded. Any change applied to it will also be applied to the secondary weapon, regardless of the weapon_tech of the latter. Also, units with secondary weapons will use that to charge, and once in proper melee will switch back to their primary (units classified as spearmen will keep using their sec if enemy gets very close).
stat_pri_armour  armour, def_skill, shield, sound
The unit's defensive stats.
•        [armour] : Unit's armour value. Taken into account in all occasions (soldier attacked from any direction, melee and ranged). It measures the amount of protection a soldier's armour offers. Max value is 63 and everything higher will be considered 63.
•        部队的护甲。在任何攻击下都会起作用。此编码量出护甲能力。最高=63.超过63的一律视为63.
•        [def_skill] : Unit's defensive skill, taken into account only in melee and only against attacks from the front or the right side. It doesn't affect defence against missiles. It represents a soldier's ability to parry(rather than block) and dodge strikes. Max value is 63 and everything higher will be considered 63.
•        部队的防守能力。只在近身战和前或右的攻击中起作用。他不对导弹起任何作用。他代表一个士兵的躲避和防御能力。最高=63.超过63的一律视为63.
•        [shield] : Unit's shield value, taken into account against both ranged and melee attacks, but only when they come from the front or the left side.
•        单位的盾牌。对远攻和近攻都起到作用。但只是在前或左方时。
•        Against missiles from the front it offers twice the protection it's value suggests. Measures the blocking capabilities of a unit's shield. Max value is 31 and everything higher will be considered 31.
•        在前方的导弹的损害将减半。测量一个单位的盾牌拦截能力。最大值31. 超过31的一律视为31。
•        [sound] : Sound played when unit gets hit. Can be: flesh, leather, or metal.
•        在单位收到攻击时播放的声音。可以是金属、皮或肉(声音)。
stat_sec_armour  same as stat_pri_armour(no shield)
Same as stat_pri_armour. The stats of the unit's animals' or vehicles' defences. Note that ridden horses do not have a separate defence, and that if a vehicle/animal's defence skill is set to 0, its HP are considered to be 1. Of course there is no shield entry.
stat_heat        heat_penalty
Fatigue penalties applied to the unit due to heat. It measures how fast will its fatigue be depleted and how slowly it will regenerate. Ranges from -2 to 5, with 5 issuing the greatest penalty for the unit. The hotter the climate (aka the greater the climate_heat value of the map), where the battle takes place, the more important it becomes. In mild climates (low climate_heat of the map), it makes little to no difference.
stat_ground      scrub_mdf, sand_mdf, forest_mdf, snow_mdf
Combat modifiers applied to unit only when it fights on the respective specified ground type. Positive numbers are bonuses, negative are penalties. They range from 8 to -8 and they have a 1 to 1 point relationship with attack.
•        [scrub_modifier] : self-explanatory (it's quite tricky to know for sure when you are fighting on scrub)
•        [sand_modifier] : self-explanatory
•        [forest_modifier] : self-explanatory
•        [snow_modifier] : self-explanatory
•        以上不解释。
stat_mental      morale,discipline,training
Details of the unit's mentality.
•        [morale] : Unit's morale or else how easy is for a unit to lose heart and flee the battle. The greater the value, the less likely the unit will rout. Note that morale bonuses from buildings in campaign mode are bugged and do not work. The following tags are attached by hardcode to morale values: 1-2 -> 'Poor morale', 8-11 -> 'Good morale', 12+ -> 'Excellent morale'
•        单位的士气或单位溃败的度。数值越大,单位的溃败几率越少。注意:城市的士气加成=BUG。以下是衡量的标准:1~2=贫乏 8~11=好的士气 12+ =优秀士气。
•        [discipline] : Unit's discipline level, which determines the amount of morale lost when morale shocks occur (death of general, flanked, etc). Can be low, normal, disciplined, impetuous or berserker. Disciplined units are harder to lose morale. Berserker units can (obviously) go berserk and impetuous units may charge without orders.
•        单位的纪律性。(在惊吓中保持镇静)。可低可高。纪律严格的部队更难失去士气。狂暴单位可狂暴和浮躁单位可自主攻击。
•        [training] : Unit's training level, which affects how tidy its formation is. Can be untrained, trained or highly_trained. Untrained units will have the most disorderly formations.
•        单位的训练度,影响单位的阵型形成。可以是无训练的、训练的、高度训练的、不训练的部队有着最差的阵型形成。
stat_charge_dist charge_distance
Determines the distance from target at which a unit will begin charging (start it's charging animation that is) in metres.
stat_fire_delay  fire_delay
The extra delay, over that imposed by animation, between the unit's volleys. Vanilla has them all 0. According to findings like Darth's, setting values like -50000 or 5000 depending on unit type improves combat function and solves the foot-missile-bug, but these haven't been confirmed by FATW or by any other major mod. Testing suggests that setting this value to anything else than 0, breaks cavalry charges, as it causes the riders to not always lower their spears when charging, even when the charge is made properly.
额外的延迟(于单位齐射强加的动画)。Vanilla 的数据全是0.根据Darth的,设定数值可以是-5000或5000(根据部队类型提高了作战功能并修复了脚导弹的BUG。但这些都没有被FATW或其他版本证实。测试代表着设定这个数值(除零外),(?)
stat_food        ?, another_?
stat_cost        turns,recruit,upkeep,wpn_upg,arm_upg,cb_cost
Details of a units recruitment stats.
•        [turns] : Amount of turns needed to train the unit. Max value is 244, anything higher will be ingored.
•        需要训练单位的回合数。最大值=244.高于244的将被忽略。
•        [recruit] : Cost to train the unit. Also affects the retraining cost.
•        训练单位的价格。也影响补兵价格。
•        [upkeep] : Price paid every turn for the upkeep of the unit.
•        单位的饷钱。
•        [weapon_upgrade] : Cost to upgrade the unit's weapons (both campaign and custom battles). Affects the retraining cost.
•        单位武器升级所需要的钱(自定义和战役模式)。影响补兵价格。
•        [armour_upgrade] : Cost to upgrade the unit's armour (both campaign and custom battles). Affects the retraining cost.
•        单位盔甲升级所需要的钱(自定义和战役模式)。影响补兵价格
•        [custom_battle_cost] : Cost to include the unit in your army in custom battles.
•        自定义模式中添加军队所需要的价钱
ownership        faction(s)
Factions that can recruit the unit in custom battles (assuming no_custom attribute absent) and in campaign (assuming a recruitment line exists in export_descr_buildings.txt). Also allows for unit to be open to bribery to the specific factions.
Useful Formulae
Chance_to_kill (melee):
DLF * const1 * lethality * 1.1 ^ ( ATK - DEF + MDF )
Chance_to_kill (missile): [not 100% thoroughly tested, but a very good approximation]
const2 * (ATK - DEF - RNG/10 + MDF + DLF*10)
ATK is (missile)attack, DEF is the sum of all applicable defences, MDF is the sum of all applicable bonuses and penalties, RNG is firing range.
DLF is the difficulty lever factor. It's 0.7 for Easy, 1 for Medium, 1.5 for Hard and 2 for Very Hard. This factor is what produces the AI combat bonuses for Hard/Very Hard and the AI combat penalty for Easy.
DLF是势力难度。0.7简单,1是普通,1.5是难 2是超难。这个因素(AI的加成和负加成)
Related Information

Balancing skeleton types(?)不解释 看不懂

As a reference, here follow the lethality values that make all vanilla infantry melee skeletons equal, rounded to the second decimal, while the error bars are close to 0.1. An fs_slow_swordsman skeleton with 0.5 lethality will be equal in battle to an fs_fast_dagger skeleton with lethality 0.57 (assuming everything else equal and min_delay is set to be higher that the longest attacking animation; 25 seems enough).
•        fs_slow_swordsman / fs_swordsman / fs_semi_fast_swordsman / fs_fast_swordsman : lethality = 0.5
•        fs_slow_2handed / fs_2handed : lethality = 0.41
•        fs_slow_spearman / fs_spearman / fs_semi_fast_spearman / fs_fast_spearman : lethality = 0.41
•        fs_dagger / fs_semi_fast_dagger / fs_fast_dagger : lethality = 0.57
•        fs_2handed_berserker (scale 1.1) : lethality = 0.38

Mounted skeletons seem to be fairly balanced as they are.

Balancing auto-resolve

The second value of stat_health can be used to improve the balance of auto-resolve. Certain units like chariots are currently overpowered in it, while others, like mounted and missile units, are underpowered. Here follow some rough suggestions on how to assign sec hp values in order to balance auto-resolve more evenly:
•        Animal units stay as they are.
•        All other units get 5 sec hps.
•        Units with 2 or more prim hps get -1 sec hp for each extra prim one.
•        Missile units with low-medium missile attack get +1 sec hp.
•        Missile units with medium-high missile attack get +2 sec hps.
•        Mounted units with low-medium charge get +1 sec hp.
•        Mounted units with medium-high charge get +2 sec hps.

Naval combat

In naval battles many of the attributes of the EDU entry of a ship are ignored. Those that do have an effect are:
•        Soldier (crew) numbers
•        Primary hitpoints
•        Primary attack
•        Primary defence
Note that shield or defence skill seem to count less than armour, with shield being the least important of the three, just like it happens with regular units.

Creating 1-soldier units

All credit for this discovery goes to Bardo, of LotR:TW - Original post HERE

Here follows the way to create units with 1 single soldier for every unit-size setting. This can be useful to create heroes, monsters or unique characters, without the need to add "bodyguards" for them. What you need to do, briefly:

1- Create an elephant-type unit, with the mount being the lone soldier (ie using the lone character's model in descr_model_battle.txt)
2- Create a small, invisible model to use for the 'soldiers' and put it 'inside the mount', in descr_mount.txt.
3- Give only 2 riders to the mount in descr_mount.txt
4- Make the unit have 20 soldiers and 1 mount in the 'soldier' line of the EDU
5- Assign the "general_unit" attribute to the unit
6- Create and assign a trait to the lone characters that will heavily decrease their Influence and Personal Security. (-50 will do)

This will work only in Campaign and not in Custom Battles. The number displayed on the unit card when in strat-map mode will vary according to the unit-size settings, but when in battle-map mode, the unit will have just 1 mount (ie the unique soldier - the mount/soldier's riders will be invisible). The drawbacks are that these characters will be vulnerable to assassination attempts, that they will be able to assault walls, just like elephants and that after loading a saved-game the unit will be reset to having 2 (or 4, depending on unit size) soldiers.

This guide is considered a WIP and will be updated with all new confirmed info and possible error corrections.
这份资料只能算是WIP 并且会在有错误和新发现时更新。


翻译不易,各位大大们,给我一些奖励吧!{:soso__1160146782765218444_3:} C


参与人数 5金币 +400 收起 理由
notdiebird -50 半机翻没诚意
未命名 + 30 漏翻太多,阅读不易,未完成?.
华佗 + 200 这几天发帖翻译鼓励,菜鸟飘过~~~~:-).
乌有之乡 + 120 赞一个!
76088910 + 100 赞一个!






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发表于 2012-3-20 21:36:26 | 显示全部楼层





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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-20 21:48:40 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2012-3-20 22:24:37 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2012-3-20 22:36:21 | 显示全部楼层
牛人啊 膜拜





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发表于 2012-3-20 22:57:44 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2012-3-21 09:16:22 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2012-3-21 09:21:40 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2012-3-21 11:16:50 | 显示全部楼层
学习了 LZ很细心哦{:5_106:}





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发表于 2012-3-21 11:25:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ansirandy 于 2012-3-21 11:48 编辑

Balancing skeleton types(?)
As a reference, here follow the lethality values that make all vanilla infantry melee skeletons equal, rounded to the second decimal, while the error bars are close to 0.1. An fs_slow_swordsman skeleton with 0.5 lethality will be equal in battle to an fs_fast_dagger skeleton with lethality 0.57 (assuming everything else equal and min_delay is set to be higher that the longest attacking animation; 25 seems enough).
•        fs_slow_swordsman / fs_swordsman / fs_semi_fast_swordsman / fs_fast_swordsman : lethality = 0.5
•        fs_slow_2handed / fs_2handed : lethality = 0.41
•        fs_slow_spearman / fs_spearman / fs_semi_fast_spearman / fs_fast_spearman : lethality = 0.41
•        fs_dagger / fs_semi_fast_dagger / fs_fast_dagger : lethality = 0.57
•        fs_2handed_berserker (scale 1.1) : lethality = 0.38

以上是各种武器的暴击(致死)率?如果是的话匕首暴击率0.57最高 单手剑0.5次之 双手剑和矛兵0.41排名第三 狂暴战士0.38最末(是不是真的。。。这数据怎么感觉是攻击速度 是致死率?疑问ING。。。)

Mounted skeletons seem to be fairly balanced as they are.

Balancing auto-resolve

The second value of stat_health can be used to improve the balance of auto-resolve. Certain units like chariots are currently overpowered in it, while others, like mounted and missile units, are underpowered. Here follow some rough suggestions on how to assign sec hp values in order to balance auto-resolve more evenly:
•        Animal units stay as they are.
•        All other units get 5 sec hps.
•        Units with 2 or more prim hps get -1 sec hp for each extra prim one.
•        Missile units with low-medium missile attack get +1 sec hp.
•        Missile units with medium-high missile attack get +2 sec hps.
•        Mounted units with low-medium charge get +1 sec hp.
•        Mounted units with medium-high charge get +2 sec hps.

这个可能是各种盔甲对各种伤害的防御(生命)加成 但是我估计不是是原版就有的 而是作者自己想象的 - -

Naval combat

In naval battles many of the attributes of the EDU entry of a ship are ignored. Those that do have an effect are:
•        Soldier (crew) numbers
•        Primary hitpoints
•        Primary attack
•        Primary defence
Note that shield or defence skill seem to count less than armour, with shield being the least important of the three, just like it happens with regular units.

影响海战胜率的因素:人数、生命点数、攻击、防御。(貌似船只都没有副武器 他多加个Primary(主武器)是不是脱裤子放屁呐?)



你要翻译的话 可以另开一个帖子  详情 回复 发表于 2012-3-21 13:47





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发表于 2012-3-21 11:29:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ansirandy 于 2012-3-21 11:30 编辑

Useful Formulae
Chance_to_kill (melee):
DLF * const1 * lethality * 1.1 ^ ( ATK - DEF + MDF )
Chance_to_kill (missile): [not 100% thoroughly tested, but a very good approximation]
const2 * (ATK - DEF - RNG/10 + MDF + DLF*10)
ATK is (missile)attack, DEF is the sum of all applicable defences, MDF is the sum of all applicable bonuses and penalties, RNG is firing range.

这段是近战杀敌概率公式与远程杀敌概率公式 不过const1和const2哪来的?





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发表于 2012-3-21 13:47:16 | 显示全部楼层
ansirandy 发表于 2012-3-21 11:25
Balancing skeleton types(?)
As a reference, here follow the lethality values that make all vanill ...

你要翻译的话 可以另开一个帖子





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发表于 2012-3-21 14:35:34 | 显示全部楼层
506041569 发表于 2012-3-21 13:47
你要翻译的话 可以另开一个帖子

阿拉不是要翻译 就俺的鸟语这种活是干不来滴 我只是和大家探讨下LZ的文章{:soso_e113:}





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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-21 19:29:28 | 显示全部楼层
我只是 汉化员  其他一窍不通~





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发表于 2012-3-23 09:58:25 | 显示全部楼层


所以有机会还是补充一下吧  详情 回复 发表于 2012-3-23 10:00





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发表于 2012-3-23 10:00:42 | 显示全部楼层
未命名 发表于 2012-3-23 09:58



咳咳,charge在这里的意思没有在词典里找到,而那一段是我看不懂的,帮忙补充1下  发表于 2012-3-23 16:17





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发表于 2012-3-26 00:29:43 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2012-5-16 21:55:01 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2012-8-22 20:20:52 | 显示全部楼层





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